Thursday, January 14, 2010

Delucchi gleems silver

Brightening my day, North Beach's old Delucchi sheetmetal building gleams in a fresh coat of silver paint. Taken this week on Powell St. between Vallejo and Green.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

monday morning shoes

Labor Day find: cast-off work boots in the Financial.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Bubble

This started as a paint bubble. Well it still is a paint bubble, but biggerified.

Location: My Bathroom

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Neon Bathtub

This cute little sign is on the side of a building on Valencia. It is some sort of bath and fixtures store. Come get some of the glowing.

Location: Valencia at 15th

Monday, April 21, 2008


There has been a recent surge of boot on street action. I will keep you updated.

Location: Market, Where California Starts

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Good Soldier

I've been out of touch for a little while on account of having commissions to get done. But this caught my eye the other day and I had to share it.

Location: Harrison at 20th

Monday, March 31, 2008

Great Graffiti

Location: Mission between 6th and 7th Sts.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hill repair continues

Since the hill fell behind me last February 27, repair has been going on sporadically. Location: Vallejo Street top of the hill between Kearny and Montgomery.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Look Up

Sunday in the early morning, rushing to get to work, but phenomenal sight of clouds decorating the heavens stops my heart. Old Hobart building, new buildings and a city type tree framed the sky. Location: Market and Montgomery

circle in stone

Circle in stone. Jackson Street between Davis and Washington

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Birds Up

Location: Bryant at 17th st.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sexin it up

Due to this used condoms location and attitude I have to assume it was tossed out of a second story apartment window. I also have to ask: why? Why would someone just drop a condom on the ground? Icky.

Location: California at Larkin outside a British themed shop

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pork Me

The ubiquitous pork strikes again.

UPDATE: This sign has since vanished. I assume it is being replaced.

Location: Market at Montgomery

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

stone henge?

We went for a walk on Christmas day along the wharf, just past pier 39. The stones reminded me of ice.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Candy bars

About some of the other blogs... why do so many shoes show up on the street? I don't know and I also don't know what these color pipes are used for either. They were at least as tall as me. Their varied colors randomly juxtaposed making for another serendipitous moment.

sensitive boy

When I see street art like this I wonder about the person who made it. Who is this sensitive boy? Did he make this during a time of sadness? Or was he just being facetious? More importantly, did he ever find his girl?

Location: 20th and Florida

Extinguisher at Atlas Cafe

I saw this fire extinguisher behind the Atlas Cafe, which you should check out. The fenced off area behind the cafe seems to be one of the very few abandoned lots in the area. It might be part of the cafe's property, I'm not sure.

The cafe itself is excellent. Decent coffee, wireless, and great sandwiches. The smoked trout is especially good. I also have to commend them on their excellent magazine collection. They have many art magazines including Modern Painting and Soma. Plus generally trendy rags. A friendly place, plus a smoking room.

Location: Florida Street at 21st Street behind the Atlas Cafe

Accident Shoe

This shoe was abandoned on Broadway by Bartol. It was obvious that an accident had occurred there the night before. There was broken windshield all over the ground. I was crouching in it while taking this picture. I wonder if this shoe was from a Woman involved in this accident. It looked sad.

Location: Broadway at Bartol