Thursday, November 29, 2007

Caffe Trieste at night

What happens to your café at night? Is it haunted by nerdly creatures? Is skin made violet thru LCD reflections or is an otherworldly nature revealed thru this eerie pallor? The blood red walls with the beardless nerd's violet skin make me recall musing from Van Gough. For him color could trigger an episode of violent madness. Message: Do not take color's impact too lightly or you may live to regret it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sewer with white cross, homage to Kasimir Malevitch

Everything seemed beautiful that day including this sewer. This looks to me like an homage to Kasimir Malevitch.

Pork/SHEEDY caution

I didn't have my camera the first time I saw this. But, I was able to find the graffitied sign, not in the open as previously, but fenced in like a pig in a pen.

Location: Mission and New Montgomery

Beautiful Sewers

Do you ever look down? You should.

Location: California and Drumm

Monday, November 26, 2007

Yesterday is for malingerers

I think this one speaks for itself. Sorry about the poor quality, camera phone.

Location: 16th Between Guerrero and Valencia

sidewalk hands

This is on 21st between Harrison and Treat. I wonder if the person or people that did this wore gloves when they spraypainted their hands on the sidewalk.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Silent Crane

Construction is seen through chain link fence. Orange crane now moves silently in an ochre pond with pink shoreline. It is less exciting but more pleasant devoid of the sound of the work.

Location: Vallejo Street and Fresno Alley

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Man Pelicans are pretty big birds. They fly low over the water in a line. I often watch them over the bay.

This guy died out by the Sutro Baths at Ocean Beach. It is a great place to go and do a little hiking around. There are some paths out by the cliffs and I go there to chill about once a month. The old Sutro Bathouse is pretty cool too. It was built in the 1800's and burned down in 1966. When I say burned down I mean intentionally, by the owners, to collect insurance. Probably. Isn't history neat?

Anyway it is totally cool there, especially the big tunnel. Go check it out.

Location: Sutro Baths at Ocean Beach

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

sidewalk pinup girl

I absolutely love stencil graffiti. So when I saw this design on the corner of 21st and Florida, I had to snap a photo. I like the way the image is repeated within the two sidewalk tiles. It has a lot of impact. If you look closer, you can see it's a picture of a pinup girl with a flower in her hair.

traffic meter trees

I was going to go buy some sage to smudge my new apartment in the Mission and parked my car at this traffic meter. Someone decided to decorate these traffic meters on 23rd and Valencia with green plastic ties. I think they make the meters look tree-like. There is a relative abundance of foilage on this block, so maybe that was the idea.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Mike and Ike

Coming home from a bonfire birthday last night I saw these little guys in the Ashby Bart. I always liked Mike and Ikes.

Location: Ashby Bart Stop on top of the schedules box

Saturday, November 17, 2007


There are a lot of abandoned shoes lying around San Francisco. They are almost invariably in pairs. I always wonder who's they are and why they are there. Did someone just get tired of them and leave them out for a homeless person. Sometimes they are really nice shoes that I am tempted to take, but I don't really need them.

These Converse High Tops were not some of the really nice ones, they were very thoroughly worn. They fit right in on Broadway, home of the semi-seedy, to very seedy strip clubs. It is funny how the callers at the doors always try to get me to go in. I never do, but they keep trying. I wonder if there is something about me that says I want to go to a strip club.

I don't know what that would be.

Location: Montgomery and Broadway in front of the Head Shop

Thursday, November 15, 2007

impromptu derby

I went on an urban hike up Bernal Hill with a couple of friends on a sunny Sunday not too long ago. When we reached the top we heard cheering and discovered a soapbox derby extravaganza going on. They had to have a running start to go, and then were pulled back up the hill by vintage moped fellows. My favorite soabbox racer was one that thought to include cup holders in the car. It was clever.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pink Oliphants

Location: 13th and Van Ness at Zeitgeist

Sea Unicorn Boogaloo

So there is this great place to eat called Boogaloo. Inside this fine eatery are many attractive and interesting wait-persons. They serve attractive and interesting breakfasts to you (I like the eggs gravlox). My waitress today had this fine Narwhal on here apron. It is todays sight. If you go check it out she will probably still have it on. Also eat a biscuit and vegetarian gravy. Yum.

Location: 22nd and Valencia, inside Boogaloo

Rain Date

I love rainy days and on Saturday it rained pretty good all day. I got caught out on my bike in it. I saw this coming up California Street. It is a drain on the sidewalk with water just bubbling right out of it. I guess there was some backup further down the hill, it was pretty neat.

Location: About California and Polk, near Pizza Pino

Friday, November 9, 2007

Crop Circles

So I don't really know what to make of this. I do know it is one of the coolest pieces of graffitti I have seen in San Francisco. I ride my bike by it a couple of times a week. It seems to be made out of tin foil pressed onto the pavement. This is a method I have never seen before.

There is a small signature also in tin foil nearby, it is just a little tin S.

Location: Taylor and California, across from the cathedral

Thursday, November 8, 2007

SF Seen - Introduction

So I see a lot of weird stuff on the sidewalks in San Francisco. I thought I would lead with this little guy as he reminds me of home time of year.

I am from upstate New York so in the fall there are a lot of dead animals around. They just start biting it as the cold sets in.

I also thought this was a good picture and a decent example of the subject matter you can expect from me.

The other posters will be starting up soon and their content will be unique to them.

Location: North of Broadway on Montgomery