Saturday, November 17, 2007


There are a lot of abandoned shoes lying around San Francisco. They are almost invariably in pairs. I always wonder who's they are and why they are there. Did someone just get tired of them and leave them out for a homeless person. Sometimes they are really nice shoes that I am tempted to take, but I don't really need them.

These Converse High Tops were not some of the really nice ones, they were very thoroughly worn. They fit right in on Broadway, home of the semi-seedy, to very seedy strip clubs. It is funny how the callers at the doors always try to get me to go in. I never do, but they keep trying. I wonder if there is something about me that says I want to go to a strip club.

I don't know what that would be.

Location: Montgomery and Broadway in front of the Head Shop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These sneakers look deflated. I think they are missing the feet that they were married with. A sad visual tale.