Monday, December 17, 2007

Candy bars

About some of the other blogs... why do so many shoes show up on the street? I don't know and I also don't know what these color pipes are used for either. They were at least as tall as me. Their varied colors randomly juxtaposed making for another serendipitous moment.

sensitive boy

When I see street art like this I wonder about the person who made it. Who is this sensitive boy? Did he make this during a time of sadness? Or was he just being facetious? More importantly, did he ever find his girl?

Location: 20th and Florida

Extinguisher at Atlas Cafe

I saw this fire extinguisher behind the Atlas Cafe, which you should check out. The fenced off area behind the cafe seems to be one of the very few abandoned lots in the area. It might be part of the cafe's property, I'm not sure.

The cafe itself is excellent. Decent coffee, wireless, and great sandwiches. The smoked trout is especially good. I also have to commend them on their excellent magazine collection. They have many art magazines including Modern Painting and Soma. Plus generally trendy rags. A friendly place, plus a smoking room.

Location: Florida Street at 21st Street behind the Atlas Cafe

Accident Shoe

This shoe was abandoned on Broadway by Bartol. It was obvious that an accident had occurred there the night before. There was broken windshield all over the ground. I was crouching in it while taking this picture. I wonder if this shoe was from a Woman involved in this accident. It looked sad.

Location: Broadway at Bartol

Sneakers in the street

I had noticed that there were fewer shoes on the streets in the past few weeks. Perhaps a result of the colder weather. But here is another. This one was a solo shoe and looked like it was dropped accidentally rather than abandoned.

Location: Sansome and Pacific

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

squares and squares

This abandoned building is on 21st and Harrison. I really like the patterns the windows create. I often peek into the more thinly painted spots to see if any progress is being made on the inside. It's so secretive, yet the white paint invites one to wonder what is going on behind the friendly windows. Maybe one day there will be a sweet cafe that has live music in this space. A girl can dream.

art and protest

There is this section of wall along Valencia street that people can post just about anything on. Everytime I walk past it I see some beautiful art. I like the faces in the this picture, which look to be drawn with chalk by an artist hoping to get their work discovered or at the very least appreciated. I appreciate it. I also like the handmade anti-repression posters as well. Beautiful.

do what the sidewalk tells you

You really should.

Location: 23rd and Valencia, in front of Buffalo Exchange

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sneakers 2

More discarded shoes.

These were on the F-Line island at 6th and Market. I was riding lat at night and had to stop to get this shot. It was frickin cold out.

The crazy dude all yammering away on the island ceased his yelling and looked at me like I was nuts.

Location: 6th and Market

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Today is your day to be famous

I was in Yerba Buena Gardens between the hours of 8 and 9 midweek about 2 months ago. I was in desperate search for light-saturated images of architectural elements when this man approached me and asked me to take his picture. I had some extra film (I roll that analog way) so I figured why not. He sat himself down in quite possibly the worst light ever and so I took this shot with a super long shutter speed and very low depth of field.

When I snapped the shot he exclaimed, "Now that's a rush! I've always dreamed of being a part of art like this but never thought it would make me feel so good."

Location: Yerba Buena Gardens (4th St. and Mission St.)

So many sewers, so little time!

This photo strikes me as more casually funny than anything else. While I can't claim it as my own, I was the one demanding my friend to pull out her camera and send me the photo later.

Who really takes the effort to jam something down a grate only to give up halfway? Especially when that thing is a dead pigeon?

Seen at 20th St. & Valencia St.