Sunday, December 2, 2007

Today is your day to be famous

I was in Yerba Buena Gardens between the hours of 8 and 9 midweek about 2 months ago. I was in desperate search for light-saturated images of architectural elements when this man approached me and asked me to take his picture. I had some extra film (I roll that analog way) so I figured why not. He sat himself down in quite possibly the worst light ever and so I took this shot with a super long shutter speed and very low depth of field.

When I snapped the shot he exclaimed, "Now that's a rush! I've always dreamed of being a part of art like this but never thought it would make me feel so good."

Location: Yerba Buena Gardens (4th St. and Mission St.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the pic, and the story is sweet...
